March 17


St. Patrick’s Day Special Part 2: Luck Comes in Threes

By Ginger Lily

March 17, 2021

black medic, botanical numerology, Clover, Irish National Plant, irish symbol, Luck O' the Irish, Nine, numerology, Shamrock, St Patrick's Day, Three, Wood sorrel

Last week we talked about the ambiguous identity of the Shamrock. Did you decide which plant is the true Shamrock? If you haven't decided for yourself, perhaps today's post will help you pick a winner. 

Let's start with the number three itself since this is the number physically present in each of the Shamrock plant types. 

Three is a number highly associated with luck. It represents positivity, charm, and spontaneity. It invites romance, music, and beauty. All of these factors welcome good outcomes, aka luck.

The lucky three energy runs through each of the three Shamrock contenders. So let's now look at what sets them apart from one another, from a numerological perspective. 

The Lucky Clover

clover shamrock st Patrck's Day

Clover, one possible Shamrock

If I were to pick the luckiest of the Shamrocks, the clover would be it. In addition to the three energy from the leaf pattern, the name clover has a three expression

The clover cheerfully displays the three to all who notice her. She beckons passersby to sit down and sift through her leaves, looking for a lucky four-leaf anomaly. 

And what about those four-leaf clovers? Aren't THEY the lucky ones?

Genetically, all clovers are trifoliate. To find a leaf with more than three leaflets is the result of a genetic or environmental mutation. So if you find one, you're likely to discover more mutations in the same patch. I often had this experience as a child.

 I remember gathering with my siblings and friends and running my fingers through the soft clumps of green clover, eager to discover my next lucky find. It felt like I'd won the lottery when I found a patch abundant with four-leaf clovers! I also found five, six, and even eight-leaf clovers! Oh, the excitement!

I used to think it was the four-leaf clover that was lucky. But most of the real luck comes from the three. When we take time to notice the clover, even sift through its leaves, we immerse ourselves in its happy atmosphere.

The abundance of threes manifested by each plant beckons us to be entertained and try our luck. And in doing so, we are more likely to find that elusive four-leaf clover. And when we do find that four-leaf clover, we earn our good fortune

The good fortune of the four refers more specifically to financial well-being. The four is patient, responsible, and diligent. The four demands hard work and responsibility. To those who live by four principles, financial richness is more likely.  

If a child is diligent enough to sift through a sea of three-leaf clovers, does that make them more likely to become a financially responsible adult? Who's to say, but this is what the metaphor suggests.  

 When you live according to a three energy, you live with optimism, creativity, fun, and spontaneity. You enjoy friends, good times, and you notice and take advantage of opportunities that come your way. 

When you step into the four energy, you take care of each tiny step required for developing financial well-being. With discipline, you ground yourself in the small daily actions that preserve good fortune and wealth for yourself and your family. The four isn't glamorous, but it can yield good dividends. 

The Black Medic

Black Medic, medicago, shamrock

Image credit: By Lawn Weeds - Black Medic, CC BY 2.0,

Black Medic primarily expresses a nine energy. The nine is the humanitarian, the environmentalist, the wise old soul. This plant has been around for a while and has seen a thing or two about life. It freely offers compassion and tolerance wherever it's needed. 

Stemming from the scientific name Medicago lupulina, black medic also carries three, one, and four qualities. 

A carefree, optimistic wildflower sends its tenacious roots down with determination and grit. If it acquires the good fortune of landing in your flower bed, you might find it takes a considerable amount of persistence and dedication on your part to keep them from crowding out your favorite plants. 

Perhaps you could spare a little space for this complex plant, keeping it around as a reminder of optimism, determination, and good fortune. 

If you choose the Black Medic as your Shamrock, you're selecting a rich symbol of happiness, success, and benevolence to the world around you. That's a lot to be said for one humble plant!

Wood Sorrel

Wood Sorrel, oxalis, St Patrick's Day Shamrock

Wood Sorrel, Oxalis, another possible Shamrock

Wood sorrel carries an intriguing combination of numbers that make it a fine Shamrock as well. The common name, wood sorrel, has a nine expression, just like the black medic. Broadly appealing and impactful, wood sorrel lives up to our expectations as a fitting Shamrock. 

When we look at the scientific name, Oxalis acetosella, we find an underlying eight, three, and eleven. Eight is highly associated with material success, which is lightened up by the cheery three. These two numbers culminate in the master number eleven, which is highly intuitive, unique. It has a special message that it must share with the world. 

Of all of the possible Shamrocks, it is unsurprising to me that wood sorrel has achieved the greatest commercial success. You'll find them in every florist shop or grocery store in March.  This version of the Shamrock is successful both financially and as a messenger of the holiday. 

Wood sorrel makes itself known in places the clover and black medic never have. It claims a significant share of the marketplace, despite scoring low on the Irish botanical surveys.  

Never underestimate the potential of the eight. Always listen to the message of the eleven. But ultimately, the nine rules in a quiet and unassuming way. 


I went into this holiday thinking the clover was the only accurate representation of the Shamrock. Upon examining the numbers, I find there's more to the overall story. Not only can we make a case for each plant species, but there's a little extra magic when you bring all three plants into one powerful symbol of luck, fortune, and joy.

The clover symbolizes the Luck O' The Irish in the purest and most familiar form. 

The Black Medic adds an element of independence, financial good fortune, and wisdom. 

Wood Sorrel brings the Shamrock to the marketplace, bringing the message of the holiday to homes and offices all over the world. 

You could even say these three plants are like the Holy Trinity of the Shamrock itself. 

What do you say? Let me know in the comments below!

About the author

Did you know you were born with an instruction manual for a life meant just for you? 

Hi, I’m Ginger! I work with super curious plant-loving eccentrics who are on a path to self-discovery. They’re struggling to balance their own journey with the needs and expectations of their loved ones. I help them identify their Botanical Numbers so they can get clear on who they are and what they’re here to accomplish. 

Learn more at

Ginger Lily,

Botanical Numerologist

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